Grinds Coffee Pouches  - Brand Identity
Grinds Coffee Pouches  - Packaging Design

Grinds Cofee Pouches

Branding For Better Habits

For a dozen years, Grinds Coffee Pouches helped athletes and everyday consumers quit chewing tobacco and nicotine with its innovative, caffeine-based products. When we met, the marketing team had a new goal: reach a broader audience with the message that Grinds Coffee Pouches doesn’t just eliminate bad habits—it creates new and better ones around improved energy, focus, and sleep. To do so, the brand needed updated positioning and packaging, as well as a portfolio architecture that better communicated its new mission. After meaningful collaboration and a client workshop, we identified the stadium as an authentic and ownable location. With that as a creative benchmark, Kaleidoscope developed a flexible design system and brand architecture that not only modernized visual and verbal brand assets, but allowed for future growth, as well. 

Grinds Coffee Pouches  - Packaging Portfolio
Grinds Coffee Pouches  - Brand Activation
Grinds Coffee Pouches  - Brand Expression